Earth Day is everyday. In calendar it was marked yesterday but for me it is everlasting. Yesterday I spent more on the internet then last two weeks together but it was worth it. So many stories of ever changing world. So many stories of good will, persistence and love for our Mother Earth. Positive changes everywhere.
I read about Mother who banned round up in her community in only 64 days. About People in Hungary burning GMO corn fields. Dr. Oz fight back to those Monsanto lobbyist. People in Serbia found the way to outsmart system who wants to invade their privacy and force their children to mandatory vaccination. About new invention actually simple . And many, many more stories like this. Everywhere I looked was only good will and extraordinary faith in Heaven on Earth. People are awakening and it makes my hearth expand.
Beside reading about New Earth stories on internet this is what we did yesterday on the Earth Day.
We planted some peach trees then some hazelnut bushes. Moved the garden closer to the house so we can watch plants grow form kitchen window.
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