We hit the first month in this beautifully busy, wast and somewhat distant land. Somewhat you’ll say…Well yes. When I am good spirited and air is clean (which is ones in….well lets just say it is not as I anticipated. More about that later). Or when my VPN is working and can reach you via Facebook and other social media. Nothing is distant then and I can see clearly what it needs to be done and things are moving forward. I am learning how to be in that not so distant space no matter what circumstances are and am so grateful for that.
I already had couple of classes here and it was hearth warming to see all those young bright people so ready to learn. I just taught Ayurveda cooking class this past week and today was my first yoga class.
Here are some photo update form the Fenix Farm (First Biodynamic Farm and Waldorf School in China). Matia was teaching visitors students how to make European style Ray bread.
Mila in the sweet potato field.
Yole and the host students.
All food they prepared for us was grown on their farm. Biodynamic food.

They showed us how to make the tofu. Everything so delicious. Vegan and organic. We could taste the love.

Mila was so loved by Waldorf kids.

Backing class was a success. Matia was particularly happy about his bread. Part of it because I think he was getting tired of all the yummy noodles.
Hi Jelena, it is so inspiring to see your blogs and what you guys are doing in China. You must be so busy . We all are missing you guys. Please post more blog posts…