China, day 4.

There is not turning back now. Somewhere on the other side of the World, long, long, time ago.  5 days to be exact. I  acted so cool like I have everything under control. No one could tell that I was nauseated and my tummy was so upset. I was hiding it well. Or at least I think I did.

Anyway… The fact that everything will change in matter of hours was extremely painful.  Everything within or better say the part that didn’t want to change, was screaming  NOOO!  The part that say no to everything new and want to hide and stay in his old,  ‘I like it the way it is’ cocoon.  It was contemplating some kind of miracle to save it from the new and the journey ahead. While at the same time miracle WAS happening right in front of it’s nose and it still does.

You see, I was stuck. I needed the change. I needed to let go of so much of my self that wasn’t needed anymore. I needed to let my true self be more in charge and for that I needed the change on every level it seams.

I also wanted new spacious home. Nice and clean, new preferably. Eco and green. I wanted slower, more relaxed way of leaving. Not so much driving in the van ( U.S. moms can relate ) I wanted more ‘free range’ type of children’s education. More kids around spontaneously playing and exploring the nature. Organic fresh food on demand. More time for meditation, yoga. Less distraction.  Like easy access to snack food to the local health food store and social media. Well….I got it all but never I expected to be…well in China!

As soon as we landed, all fears were gone. I am safe. It is ok. Peaceful sort to speak. Big. Huge, kinda empty airport in Beijing was neat. Kids were tired but in good spirit. They let us go ahead the domestic line. Which was pretty cool when you know as foreigner one needs to go to foreigners  line. Much, much longer one!  Anyway….We are safe. It is ok. Peaceful.

Eco Village plus educational/spiritual center needs us. We need the Village and it’s way of living even more. It is good. It is big. It is clean. At least for the Chinese standards it is. I am realizing more and more there is no clean spot on the Earth until there are corners of our beings to be polished…

Now we need to go ahead and do the work we came to do. Yole – Husband is designing and taking care of business and developmental aspects of this place. It is called Stone Village in the district of Stone House. 80km north from Beijing.

I will be working on my Well Being course while establishing  Yogi Cookies production. Teaching yoga and English to the kids while my kids will be focusing on learning Chinese, archery, calligraphy and music. Lot of out-door time.

We are safe. It is ok. Peaceful. It is good. It is big….well it is clean where we are.

All is good.


Living + dining room



Carrots harvest



There are 6 wells out side in the park. All hand made.


img_1905-1These are so delicious. Plant is super tall and so decorative. On the picture below it covers parts of construction on the side. It still produces abundantly.



Edible garden with back choy, cilantro, chard, different kind of greens, salad greens…



Walk to the greenhouse.



Yin Yang children playground.



Outdoor cooking thing…something like barbecue Chinesse style. You can see that woks go form biggest to smallest…Neat.



More of playground…

