The best way for radiant and healthy face is organic, whole food diet with tons of green vegetables. I know, I know. But today I needed extra help. Parsley, spirulina, yoghurt, cream and rolled oats mask it is! Just what I needed after today’s run against cold wind.

Nothing fancy, just ingredients from the fridge. Simple process as well.

1. Wash your face with yoghurt and grounded coriander seeds. 1 tsp yoghurt with pinch of powdered coriander seeds.(Just this step alone you can use as a daily face cleaning process).
2. Rinse with warm water.
3. Gentle exfoliate with honey and buck wheat flour. 1 tsp of honey with pinch of buck wheat flour. Ideally 5 min. I did it just a minute or two.
4. Rinse with warm water.
5. Massage face with sesame or olive oil in the Winter, coconut and almond oil in the Spring and Summer. 5 min. 1 tsp of base oil and 5 drops of lavender essential oil…or not. (if you don’t have any essential oil, no big deal, just use the base oil).
6. Rinse with warmest water you can handle. (ideally you would steam face with steam from lavender tea) I didn’t have time for that. 5 min.
7. Dray face and apply this green smoothie on your face. Hold for about 15 min.

This mask is wonderful for the Winter
– small hand full rolled oats
– about 1 tsp spirulina
– little bit more then 1 tsp parsley
– about 1 tbsp whole yoghurt
– a bit more then 1 tsp or cream

Put all ingredients in the blender on high speed and ‘voila’! Your face mask is ready!

Notice that there is no exact measurements here. The reason is that we all have our inner wisdom and I prefer to rely on it. Most of the time.
If consistency is to liquid you can add more oats. If to tick add more of yummy greens, oils or creams you have in you kitchen. Enjoy!

Please note that there was plenty of leftovers for the next time my face needs the green hug. Will hold in the fridge for at least a week.


green mask photo